Saturday, June 4, 2016

Elle's Kitchen: Cinnamon Toast

I was out of state this week and yesterday I got
home in the afternoon, played with the puppy dog,
headed down to the big city with Trishie for a lecture
 by Frank Abagnale at the IMA and then we met Kate
 for a very late dinner before heading home to an end of
 day telephone call with Mr. Wonderful and off to bed!
This morning I woke up and let's just say, the cupboard
was bare,  nothing for breakfast...  there were a few pieces
of bread so I went old school and made cinnamon toast.

This is a favorite of mine from when I was a child but I
haven't had it in years.  It is so simple and most people 
have everything they need in their kitchen.  

Toast the bread until it is light brown, spread with butter
and let it melt a bit then sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon
and gently mix the butter, sugar and cinnamon together.

This is something my Mum often made for me when I was
a child.  When I was old enough to make it myself I 
remember we had a spice jar with the sugar and cinnamon 
already mixed together ~ I don't remember if this was a
commercial product or just something my Mum mixed up 
herself to make it easier for me.  

It was still delicious!

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